In a recent report concerning Top Fuel racing in Australia, it was suggested the racing distance would be cut to 1000 feet from the current 1320 feet / quarter mile in 2015.

Since ANDRA became aware of the article a little over 24 hours ago there has been a number of enquires regarding the source and validation.

This afternoon ANDRA CEO Malcolm Bulley issued the following statement:

“It’s news to us, I’ve contacted Top Fuel Australia’s representatives Bruce Read and Phil Lamattina who also don’t know anything about it.

“We have a process for changing rules and looking at proposals from teams and category bodies which included relevant stakeholder engagement.

“The subject of racing distances has been discussed informally a number of times, however ANDRA and TFA have never formally tabled anything of the sort and therefore it is not currently being considered.”

When contacted by ANDRA, Top Fuel Australia representative and Jim Read Racing Crew Chief Bruce Read confirmed the following:

“At no time has Top Fuel Australia (as a group) discussed formally the move to 1000ft racing,” he said.

“Whilst there has been the odd informal mention of this form of racing it is NOT something that TFA has discussed nor is considering.”

If you require further clarification and wish to speak with ANDRA CEO Malcolm Bulley directly, please contact the ANDRA office on (08) 8271 5355 during business hours.

Image courtesy: Fred Dwyer