17 January 2011

News comes in thick and fast here at the ANDRA head office. So we have created some RSS (really simple syndication) news feeds that you subscribe to and keep up-to-date with all the latest in the world of ANDRA drag racing.

So how do the RSS feeds work?

Using what is known as a reader, the news comes to you rather than you visiting the ANDRA website looking for updates.

Here are the simple steps…

Step 1 – Create an account with a popular reader. They are free and easy to use. Here are some example readers:

You may already have access to some of these readers if you have a Google, Yahoo or an MSN account.

Step 2 – Once you have created your account subscribe to ANDRA’s RSS news feeds.

At the moment we have 9 news feeds for your viewing pleasure and they can all be accessed from the ANDRA RSS news page (https://www.andra.com.au/rss-feeds.html?view=feeds).

To subscribe to a news feed click the button for your news reader. If you don’t see a button for your news reader click on the XML button. This will open a page that shows the raw news feed.

Use the address of the page (e.g. https://www.andra.com.au/rss-feeds/3-andra-announcements.html is the address for the ANDRA announcements news feed) and subscribe to the news feed using the reader account you created in Step 1. For example, with the Google Reader there is an “Add a subscription” button in the top left corner of the page.

Step 3 – Kick back while the news comes to you

Now that you have an account with a reader and subscribed to the ANDRA news feeds all of the latest news will be sent directly to you. Nice.

Kym Oberauer

KSO IT Consulting (http://www.kosit.com.au/)