Nathan Peirano (Photo: Phil Reeve Drag Racing Photography)

The Australian National Drag Racing Association (ANDRA) would like to take this opportunity to thank departing Board Members, Nathan Peirano and Paul Drady, for their service.

Peirano and Drady’s positions on the ANDRA Board closed on Friday as they no longer hold Division Director/Alternate Division Director positions.

Peirano was also the Chair of the Board for a period of nine years, recently stepping down while retaining his place on the Board and as DD for Queensland at the time, with Katie Cassar taking up the Chair role. He will remain as a member of the Evolve – an ANDRA-owned subsidiary – Board.

Drady meanwhile joined the ANDRA Board more recently when elected as interim Alternate Division Director in Victoria pending the recent Division Elections.

“I would like to acknowledge and thank both Nathan and Paul for their significant contribution to ANDRA, Paul more recently as the Victoria/ Tasmania Divisional Director and Nathan for his contributions to ANDRA over many years as Divisional Director and as the longest standing ANDRA Board Chair,” ANDRA Chair, Katie Cassar, said.

“Like many of our volunteers, Nathan in particular has dedicated a great amount of his time.  He has steered our organisation through many changes and a shifting landscape and brought invaluable knowledge and skills to our business and sport.  On a personal note, I am grateful to Nathan for what I have learned from him during my time on the Board.”

With such a long tenure, Peirano has seen a lot during his time on the ANDRA Board and as Chair.

“It has been almost nine years since I started on the Board, and within the first two weeks the split in the sport began, so it was a rough period,” Peirano said.

“I guess I am most proud of the fact that ANDRA has survived all of these years later through the hard work of current and previous ANDRA staff with the assistance and guidance of various Board members over the years.

“My time as Chair was all about survival, but the fact that ANDRA through Evolve was able to secure the lease of the Perth Motorplex was another highlight.

“At times it has been extremely hard on my family as the role required so much of my time, so I would like to thank them for their support.”

Paul Drady
Paul Drady

Drady is hoping to rejoin the Board in the future.

“I have really enjoyed my time on the board. I feel ANDRA is starting to move in the right direction and they really do value the information from their members,” Drady said.

“It has been a huge learning experience for me and one I am truly thankful for.

“There has been a lot of support from loads of people. I plan to be back on the board someday soon, but for now the break will give me time to focus on Hayley’s health and stepping up my business,” he concluded, referring to his partner and popular drag racing photographer, Hayley Turns.

ANDRA would also like to take the time to again recognise Paul Stephen for his contributions not only to the Board but also as a Division Director. Stephen left the Board earlier this year, while his lengthy time as NSW Divisional Director also came to a close on Friday following the recent Division Elections.

The vacant Board positions will be determined soon at the upcoming Operations Meeting of all Divisional Directors.

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