Apologies to all ANDRA Junior Dragster racers and all Parents/Guardians for the mistakes within the previous rulebook page/text updates for Junior Dragster qualifying limits, which has now been withdrawn.

This was my mistake which I own up. I have since consulted with a larger group to ensure this latest re-write covers everything and clarifies the regulations.

If you have any questions on this, please feel free to contact techincal@andra.com.au

Thank you and apologies once again.

Scott Halfyard – ANDRA Technical Officer


Text has been added to page 86- 87 (and 75) of the 2024/2025 ANDRA Rulebook, please see the green highlighted text.

This is a re-clarification only which has been approved by the ANDRA Operations Committee and takes effect from 3rd February 2025.

If you have any questions, please contact techincal@andra.com.au