Notice is hereby given to the voting members of the Australian National Drag Racing Association Ltd that the 2012 Annual General Meeting will be held at South Sports Club, Queensland on Sunday 28 October 2012, commencing at 11.00am (AEST).

Venue Details

South Sports Club
Brandon Park Mortimer Road,
Acacia Ridge QLD

A Special Resolution has been put to the membership to change the constitution under clause 15, whereby in the event of a casual vacancy the Board can be filled from the broader range, ensuring an added level of expertise in areas required to move the sport forward. This change only relates to when a casual vacancy exists in order to ensure the board is able to maintain and develop expertise across a broad area with adequate representation. The ANDRA Board has two longer term vacancies from an area which it is unable to provide candidates. To avoid this predicament into the future the change has been proposed and recommended by the board.

Click here to see what the amended constitution would look like.

AGM packs were recently sent to members via post. Anybody who would like further information on any of the above can contact the ANDRA office on (08) 8271 5355 or