Have you ever wanted to replay a run to see what actually happened? Relive those sweet victories or narrow defeats?

Well now you can with the Time Slip Simulator, a revolutionary new drag racing tool that lets you replay your runs in 3D just from the data on your time slip!

Developed by Kym Oberauer, an Australian drag racer with a degree in computer science, the Time Slip Simulator is the culmination of years of planning and six months of development.

“I had this idea a while back to be able to replay runs just from the data on your time slip,” said Kym. “Without going into too much detail, we’ve developed software that fills in the blanks and accurately simulates a drag race in 3D using the time increments on your time slip.”

Currently available as a web app for demo and testing purposes, The Time Slip Simulator allows you to enter your runs and then simulate them in 3D from multiple camera angles.

Features include:

• Different race distances – 1320, 1000, 660
• Race types – DYO, Index, Heads-Up
• Tree speeds – 0.5 and 0.4
• Tree types – full and pro
• Multiple camera angles – TV, drivers view, from above, watch opponent
• Race results including margin of victory in time and distance
• …and much more

While the Time Slip Simulator is lots of fun to use, it’s also a unique training and analysis tool that lets you review your performance and make improvements. The down side is you can no longer stretch (or narrow) the truth about how much you lost by – it’s all there in glorious 3D.

With a successful testing phase completed, the team are now moving onto developing a version of the Time Slip Simulator for smart phones and tablets.

“Soon you’ll be able to access your electronic log book from your home computer, lap-top, smart phone and tablet and replay all your races, “said Kym. “We’re also including features like custom vehicles, multiple tracks models, parachute and burnout animations to name a few.”

Future plans include access to live and historical event data. Racers and fans will be able to replay races whenever and wherever they like. Missed that qualifying run? No problem. Want to see how close that last race was? You got it. With the Time Slip Simulator all this is possible and more.

Try the Time Slip Simulator for yourself and keep up-to-date with all the developments from the Facebook page.