The ANDRA Board has ratified a new Code of Conduct to help guide expected behaviour for all stakeholders within the sport of drag racing.

The Code ensures that the best interests of the sport are looked after at all times and recognises that all participants are an ambassador for the sport as a whole.

ANDRA CEO Malcolm Bulley explained that the Code of Conduct provides a way for the sport to be able to ensure its brand and reputation is not tarnished by the act of an individual.

“Most people in drag racing want to see it prosper and are very passionate about making it known as one of Australia’s best motorsports,” he said. “By setting out what we expect of members and what they can expect of us, it means that we are all on the same page.

“The brand of ANDRA championship drag racing is crucial to our ongoing success and the Code of Conduct sets out what we all must do to uphold that brand.”

Copies of the Code of Conduct will be sent with all membership renewals.

To view the Code of Conduct, click here.