6 September 2011

As previously announced, ANDRA is conducting a National Drag Racing Summit next month to provide the opportunity for a cross section of our stakeholders to have direct input into the planning processes for the future development of our sport. With the management of the Pro-Series coming in house it’s essential that we gather the viewpoints of our members to ensure that we move forward with a modern, dynamic and exciting competition structure.

When:                  October 22 & 23

Where:                 Chifley Hotel / Sydney Dragway Conference Room

Who:                     Representatives from Group 1 – 4 (The selection process will be announced next week)

                              Representatives from Management / ADRPA / Officials

Cost:                     ANDRA will cover all costs including travel

Why:                     To receive valuable input from a broad sector of our stakeholders

                              To develop clear and regular communication channels

                              To have a say in the future development of our sport

Outcomes:          Ideas from the Summit will be incorporated into the competition framework for the 2012/13 Season 

Sample Agenda        

  • To ascertain our current market position as perceived by our stakeholders (Racers / Riders)
  • To discuss current obstacles that are preventing our sport from moving forward
  • To determine market opportunities that will enable our sport to move forward
  • To brainstorm what the racers/riders really want
  • What media opportunities should we be taking
  • What are your thoughts on Brand development
  • What are your thoughts on “Hero“ development
  • National road show viability
  • What financial reward are competitors looking for
  • Why is Drag Racing not attracting the top corporate dollar
  • What does ANDRA need to start doing
  • What does ANDRA need to stop doing
  • ANDRA National Events Team
  • Are we a hobby or a sport – what needs to change
  • What do you think of a “20-20” format (re: Cricket Aust.)
  • Should the events calendar be conducted over a calendar year (Jan-Dec)
  • How can we focus on the G1 category whilst not losing sight of the sportsman racers