13 April 2011

Responses on the ANDRA website survey have been fantastic to date, resulting in some suggestions being implemented.

We have separated out the non RARS round article’s from the Rocket Allstars (Latest News) and created a new “Latest News” section referred to as “Sportsman” that represents the grass roots racing from both regional and metropolitan tracks around Australia.

A few items people have asked to see included on the ANDRA website that are already available where:

Rulebook Updates: can be found in the RHS menu “Rulebook Amendments”

Or the direct URL is https://www.andra.com.au/rule-book-amendments.html

Technical Bulletins: can be found under Competitor/Technical Bulletins

Or the direct URL is  https://www.andra.com.au/competitor/technical-bulletins.html

Class Indexes and Records: can be found under “Competitor/Records indexes” tab

Note: You must refresh the home button on the ANDRA website to get the latest PDF file or else your browser may open the cached version it has. (this also applies to Series Points PDF’s)

You will find the Survey page on the ANDRA website on the far right side button on the main menu, the survey consists of just 15 questions with 3 questions per page.

You have the option to add your details at the end of the survey to go into the draw for the AutoMeter Tachometer provided by Rocket Industries.

Visit the ANDRA website at https://www.andra.com.au/ or go direct to the survey page HERE