Chris Matheson recently smashed the unofficial mark for the quickest and fastest motorcycle run in Australia at Willowbank Raceway and it’s all leading up to a potentially history making Nitro Champs at Sydney Dragway.

Matheson’s pass of 6.04 seconds and 387kmh (241mph) at the Santo’s Cranes Super 3 Extreme Drag Race eclipsed his own previous quickest time of 6.05 and the speed mark held by New Zealand’s Athol Williams at 383kmh (238mph).

Matheson said compared to some earlier runs where the bike, weighing in at half a tonne, was going through some big time speed wobbles, the 6.04 was very clean.

“The bike ran like it was on rails, carrying the wheel high in the air and blasting down the braking zone before slowing to a stop with the brakes glowing,” he said. “The Roger Bloor Performance engine was as new and had seven hard runs all weekend without a sniff of pain

“It was mind boggling to achieve 241mph in the dark over the “mine shaft” (what Matheson terms Willowbank’s downhill braking area) at Australia’s most famous drag strip.

“I knew on that pass it was now we would run quick or it was not going to happen as the dew had started to roll in. The speed is right up with only a few worldwide.”

The elusive five second barrier is still calling for Matheson and it may be a feat he can achieve in Sydney on May 3-5 in the fourth round of the ANDRA Top Bike championship.

He explained it is only with the backing of his team that he can aim for the one of the last great remaining barriers in Australian drag racing.

“Without question I have the best team in our sport, my guys work as one and can fix anything either I or the track can dish up,” he said. “(Crew chief) Roger Bloor is a master of the game taught by the best in Larry and Steve McBride, who are the world’s best Top Bike racers.

“Roger is calm, calculated and understands the bike and what is expected of the rider, he and the team always instil confidence in me before we fire up, as I know the bike is perfect and safe.

“That gives me the confidence to throw 100% at the bike and ride the wheels off it to get the best result I can for the team.

“The way I see it, I have all the fun and get the easy job of turning the go switch for six odd seconds, they spend hours preparing the machine and that is what makes us tough to beat.”

Matheson might be shooting for big numbers but he will also be looking to retake the points lead, with Sydney’s own Chris Porter currently proving a thorn in the side for the three times Top Bike champion.

The Nitro Champs run from May 3 to 5 at Sydney Dragway and feature the full professional line up of ANDRA Drag Racing categories plus the Aeroflow Sportsman Drag Racing Championship.

Image courtesy Dave Reid/