
At the 2023 South Coast Nationals at South Coast Raceway, Gary Vogelsang broke through for what he describes as the highlight of his drag racing career so far: his first……

The Australian National Drag Racing Association (ANDRA) is pleased to announce that long-time ANDRA insurance broker and supporter of the ANDRA Volunteer of the Year program, Gallagher, has further extended……

The Burson Auto Parts 50th annual Goldenstates at the Perth Motorplex at the weekend featured plenty of exciting racing for the ANDRA Regional Sportsman Championship, and its fair share of……

South Australia’s Peter and Brock Furlanetto were on track at the Perth Motorplex at the weekend for the Burson Auto Parts 50th annual Goldenstates and are now travelling back across……

The championship points tally following the Burson Auto Parts 50th annual Goldenstates – round three of the 2024/2025 ANDRA Regional Sportsman Championship – has been released. To view the points……

Day two of the Burson Auto Parts 50th annual Goldenstates has been run and won, with ANDRA Regional Sportsman Championship fans enjoying a tremendous day and night of sportsman racing……

An action-packed day and night of qualifying and racing action for the ANDRA Regional Sportsman Championship lies ahead at the Perth Motorplex today (Saturday, November 23) for day two of……

Text has been added to page 80 of the 2024/2025 ANDRA Rulebook, please see the green highlighted text. This change, which has been approved by the ANDRA Board, adds the Perth………  …

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