ANDRA Updates


ANDRA member benefits are about to get even better with a new partnership forged between ANDRA and The Accommodation Brokers.

fbprofile-whiteFor the next month we are trialling a new ANDRA Drag Racing Technical Facebook page.


In the lead up to the Summer Nationals at Adelaide International Raceway, the 2016 ANDRA Championship Dinner will take place on Thursday December 1st at the Mawson Lakes Hotel & Function Centre located 10 Main Street, Mawson Lakes.


Tune in to Speedweek on SBS HD this Sunday for Round 2 of the Summit Racing Equipment Sportsman Series.

At a meeting of the ANDRA Ltd Board on the 27th July 2016, a motion was passed to call for nominations for the South Queensland Divisional Council.


In an update sent via the VenuesWest and Perth Motorplex mailing lists on Thursday evening, ANDRA has been officially confirmed as the drag racing sanctioning body at Perth Motorplex.

The rule submissions received as a part of the 2016 intake are available for member feedback.


The first ever visit of a Group One bracket to Alice Springs Inland Dragway will air from 2pm AEST this Sunday September 4.


In a statement issued today, VenuesWest has announced ANDRA as the preferred respondent to be the sanctioning body for drag racing at Perth Motorplex.


Adelaide DragRace Promotions and Peter Pislaidis are set to take on the role as Promoter at Adelaide International Raceway.

The Victoria/Tasmania Division will be holding a tech day open to all members requiring a tech inspection, free of charge.


For the first time ever last month, the Summit Racing Equipment Sportsman Series visited Hidden Valley Drag Strip in Darwin.

At a meeting of the ANDRA Ltd Board on the 27th July 2016 a motion was passed to call for nominations for the South Queensland (SQ) Divisional Council.



Summit Racing Equipment has upped its support for Australian drag racers by extending the Summit Racing Pro Shop to include full ANDRA licence holders.



Michael Fotheringham has advised the Board that he will be standing down from the Board due to work commitments. His term as Chairman will expire at the end of July 2016.

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