10 June 2011
Nexus MG has been appointed by Drag Racing Australia Group to handle all the rights valuation, commercial strategy sponsorship, marketing and partnership acquisition for its Drag Racing series.
10 May 2011 - Chairman’s Report
I trust that all competitors’ and their team that attended the Nitrochamps have returned home safely. We have been working since the event finished with the numbers so as to report to all concerned about the payment of the prize money. I would like to stress that the venue is not owned by the sub Board or any person and that at all times we have taken the firm position that every obligation that the track has made a commitment on will be addressed. It has come to the attention of the board that there may be the non payment of prize money from the Nitrochamps. That is not correct. The management have been working at establishing an accurate financial position to ensure the continued operation of the venue as well as address prize money payments.