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Robin Judd is looking to win his second Goldenstates Top Doorslammer title this weekend.

ANDRA CEO Greg Humphreys recently conducted an interview on ANDRA’s future direction on the Inside Speed Motorsports Show (Foxtel). The show will go to air this Friday, November 18 at 9.30pm. The clip will be made available on the ANDRA…

Rick Gauci and his RGR Aeroflow/City Finance team have been building strength as they continue their Top Alcohol campaign.

14 November 2011

ANDRA has achieved another important part of its plans for the future of the sport with Luke Nieuwhof being appointed to the role of Media Manager.

Based in the Adelaide office, Luke's work will incorporate all aspects of communication for the national body. This includes media releases, updates from ANDRA, developing positive opportunities for racers and ANDRA in traditional and social media and expanding the ANDRA website.

9 November 2011

As part of the on-going re-structuring of Australia’s Fastest Motorsport, ANDRA is pleased to announce that a new television package for the sport has been secured.

More than thirty (30), one hour shows will showcase ANDRA Drag Racing this upcoming season on SBS and repeat airings on the SPEED Channel via the Foxtel Subscription Network.

The Broadcast logistics will be provided by AVE - a company that has a prior relationship with the sport for many years, under the watchful eye of key ANDRA personnel.

This relationship will also see heavier colour stories and separate feature pieces on SPEED’s “Inside Speed” show on the Network, during Friday evenings - which are separate from the repeat Television Broadcasts on the dedicated motorsport channel.

7 November 2011 The Australian Drag Racing Association Limited Annual General Meeting will be conducted at 10.30am on Saturday November 12 at the St George Rowing Club, 1 Levey Street Wolli Creek, Sydney. All members are welcome.…

02 November 2011logo

Following the success of the inaugural 1/8th Mile Drag Racing event, Tailem Bend Motorsport Park is pleased to again be running a 1/8 Street Legal Drag Test and Tune, providing a safe off street venue for drag racing in SA.

Next Event: Sunday 20 November 2011 - Test and Tune for Street Legal, registered (or permit) bikes and cars side by side over 1/8 mile.

1 November 2011Russo_Las_Vegas_startline

Peter Russo will test his Australian-built Supercheap Auto Funny Car in Las Vegas today. Russo and wife Helen were in Las Vegas for the Big O Tires Nationals at The Strip on the weekend, but failed to qualify their impressive new Murray Anderson-built fuel coupe for the tough 16 car field.


31 October 2011

ANDRA CEO, Greg Humphreys, would like to once again thank the Summit Delegates for their priceless contribution to the future development of our sport.

The Summit outcomes are currently being worked on and will be tabled at the next ANDRA Board meeting which is being conducted in Sydney on November 12.

The Board will then prioritise the outcomes and incorporate them into the 2012 - 2014 Strategic Plan.

Sumitt attendees photo below:

pilkingtonperth26 October 2011

No longer a dark horse, Rob Pilkington has become the man everybody wants to beat when he races at Perth Motorplex.

With the Force Equipment/Alutech Monte Carlo recently taking out its third Top Comp state championship in four years last season, there is no doubt that other teams have their sights set on knocking off the record setting Funny Car.

26 October 2011

The Australian Super Gas Racers will run a four-round Southern Super Gas Series this drag racing season, with three dates confirmed.

The series kicks off at Fuchs South Coast Raceway in November, returning to the Portland eighth mile facility in February and concluding at Sydney Dragway’s Nitro Champs event next May.

The Sydney event ties the series in with a round of ANDRA’s Rocket All Stars championship.

25 October 2011


Australian-built nitro Funny Car to debut at NHRA Nevada Nationals in Las Vegas. Four-time Australian Funny Car Champions Peter and Helen Russo will debut a brand new Australian-built nitro Funny Car at this weekend’s NHRA Big O Tires Nationals at The Strip at Las Vegas Motor Speedway (27-30 October).

andra_logo_150x9025 Octobert 2011

Rules submissions for inclusion in the 2012 / 2013 ANDRA Rulebook close in just one week on Tuesday, 01 November 2011.


25 October 2011

ANDRA hosted a successful Drag Racing summit, held at Sydney Dragway last weekend. Delegates from all over the country attended from various stakeholder groups to identify the prime objectives required for drag racing to secure a new and exciting future.

Delegates were allocated to individual groups, followed by general assembly sessions to summarize all information. Every delegate in attendance over the two days provided productive and positive input; everyone remained focused and constructively participated in all discussions.

11 October The candidates are all locked in, the program has been set and all is in readiness for two days of action packed drag racing discussions. In order to ensure that our entire membership is kept fully informed, a…
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