Technical Bulletins

The ANDRA Approved Fuels list has been updated. Please click here to see the list. If you have any queries please contact ANDRA technical manager Steve Power at…
The ANDRA rulebook for the new season will soon be in mailboxes for members around the country. If you would like to get a preview of the changes that will be in the new rulebook, you can check them out…
ANDRA members wishing to put in rule proposals should note that the period for submissions is now closed. Members are invited to send in their rule proposals and have their say in the future of the sport. All rule submissions…
ANDRA Approved Fuels 01 March, 2013 ANDRA Rule Changes for 2013 01 Aug, 2012 MSD & Racepak Winternationals Tech Support, 5 June 2012 Supercharged Outlaws Pre-Qualifiers, 1 June 2012 Engine Inspection and Sealing Requirements, 21 May 2012 Licence and Safety…
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