John Lamattina, younger brother of established Top Fuel star Phil Lamattina, is all set to join the elite group of licensed Top Fuel pilots after beginning the process at Sydney Dragway with a series of launches.

John recorded a stout .846 60-foot time before he shut off the dragster as per ANDRA licencing regulations. The time is comparable with some of the best measured in the current ANDRA championship season.

“I’m just happy to be learning the ropes and getting a feel for the car,” he said. “It’s great having Phil here to help me through the process, he’s been there and done it.

“We have another day to go but I feel better with every pass and I am looking forward to completing the licencing process,” concluded John.

Older brother Phil added, “We have to thank all the ANDRA and Sydney Dragway track officials, they have been outstanding. The car is only a few kilometres from the racetrack here and we really feel like this is LTFR’s home track.”

On the final pass for the day John recorded a 330-foot time of 2.23-seconds on the mandated half-track pass, a very strong result.

“We have a great team, the car is working well, we have some great sponsors and Fuchs and Elders Insurance and we are hungry for success,” Phil said.

The next round of the ANDRA Top Fuel Championship will be held at Willowbank Raceway on March 29-30 for the Santo’s Cranes Super 3 Extreme Drag Race.

Image courtesy Hayley Turns.

Did you see the weekend’s feature on Phil Lamattina on SBS Speedweek?

LAMATTINA TOP FUEL RACING from Speedweek on Vimeo.