ANDRA Top Fuel operation Lamattina Top Fuel Racing (LTFR) has confirmed the team has secured a sponsorship agreement with Elders Insurance, who will be will be joining the twice championship-winners for the 2013 ANDRA season.

Team principal and driver Phil Lamattina was pleased to make the announcement.

“We are very happy to have a quality brand like Elders Insurance working with LTFR,” he said.

“As a team, we’ve had valuable discussions with Elders Insurance about the unfaltering commitment we have to safety, the important role risk management plays in our operation and the high standards of professionalism we bring to motorsport.

“Over the next season, we will be visiting more states and cities than ever before which is great for a national brand like Elders Insurance. The Elders Insurance team has been fantastic through the process and we are grateful for their support and keen to make the “FUCHS Nitro Lounge” a little more ‘red’ than it was last season.”

Unique in the marketplace, Elders Insurance has a business model that enables its agents to manage 65% of claims in their local offices. Local Elders Insurance teams will have an opportunity to enjoy the action when the ANDRA show rolls into town.

Elders Insurance general manager Jonathon Fox was equally happy to confirm the partnership.

“This is a great new opportunity for the Elders Insurance brand. Drag racing is about as spectacular as motorsport can get and to have the opportunity to work with the LTFR team is just fantastic,” he said.

“The Lamattina family has been farming for generations and is a long standing customer of Elders Insurance, so there is a strong fit with our brand. We’re strongly supportive of regional businesses and we’re proud to be associated with such a successful family enterprise and to now be involved in their sporting passion of drag racing.

“Together with LTFR, we will work on promotional activities to leverage our involvement with the team and the sport. We’re excited about the opportunities ahead.”

The Australian Top Fuel Championship begins on October 20 at Adelaide International Raceway.

Image courtesy Chris Harvey.
