Multiple Australian Top Fuel Motorcycle Champion and National record holder Chris Matheson and his Nitro Voodoo Team plan to excite the fans at the upcoming Santos Super 3 Extreme Drag Race event on 18-19 April at Willowbank Raceway in Queensland.

Matheson who wowed fans last year at the same event said he was champing at the bit to blast down the track.

“Last year we did eight passes for the fans over the two days, all over 200 mph and set two new milestones along the way,” said Matheson. “We broke our National ET record of 6.059, running a 6.04 and rewrote history running at 241.8 mph. Since then, we had a mixed year, with some huge highs and a crash at Sydney Dragway in May 2013, stepping off at almost 231 mph (380 kph).”

Matheson suffered multiple injuries, but not enough to dull his enthusiasm for the illusive 5 second barrier, yet to be achieved in Australia on a motorcycle.

“We have a new, improved Fuel Bike, which has the potential to break into the five second zone, we just need the moons to align to do it. We have run multiple six 0’s, but need to lean a little harder to achieve our goal. All the conditions including track surface, air temperature, wind direction all need to be right to give us the opportunity to run quick.”

Chris Porter of Bad Bones Racing will pair up with Matheson to maximise fan excitement. Porter, no stranger to Top Fuel Motorcycles is current Australian Champion on his V-Twin Nitro Harley and will be gunning for Matheson’s Santos Extreme 3 crown.

Porter dominated the 2013 Championship, with consistent fast racing throughout the season. His Fraser Motorcycle sponsored machine has undergone a series of upgrades for the 2014 season, combined with Porter’s killer reaction times, will be motivation for Matheson.

The Santos Super 3 Extreme Drag Race will be held at Willowbank Raceway, Ipswich on April 18-19, 2014.