Cougar Raceway is edging closer to reality with the Environment, Resources and Development (ERD) Court giving a tick to Santel Racing’s plans for acoustic barriers and the construction of a roadway into the complex.

Following on from the hearing on 23 November 2012, the court handed down decisions that proved positive for the planned raceway, which will provide championship level drag racing just an hour out of Adelaide.

A re-application was required for an event management traffic plan for the council, however the news was mostly good as yet another hurdle was cleared.

Santel Racing’s Terry O’Toole said the final result should be reached in four weeks.

“It would seem that the Council should have required our traffic event management plan for each of 16 events prior to approval, it seems trivial but none the less is a point of planning law and enough to have the application delayed,” he said.

“Council to their credit have sought advice from the legal team so as to avoid any further pitfalls and we at Santel Racing are working with them to bring this saga to a successful conclusion.

“In anticipation of such an occurrence we have been working with a road building engineer and a professional traffic event management team who manage the Tour Down Under cycling events.

“Both have provided the required reports and are ready for submission to Council so we are ahead of the game there.”

The decision addressed some of the last concerns of the Monarto Zoo and took Cougar Raceway one step closer to a green light.